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I have a lot of many different interests which makes it hard for me to decide and commit to just one career path. I know that my career plans may change but I also know that currently I want to do something STEM related. One possible career I'm considering is chemical engineering. If I choose to go with chemical engineering, then for the next six years I plan to go to college and get my bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemical engineering. I will take advantage of opportunities on campus, like working with professors on their research projects, and off-campus through internships at labs and companies such as Pfizer that specialize in my field. This will prepare me for my ideal career as a chemical engineer. Although many chemical engineers work in manufacturing and design and construction, I would like to work in pharmaceuticals and healthcare to create and test new products like medicine. I hope to work in labs and outdoors sometimes because I don’t want to be stuck in an office all day.

Some non-career related goals I have for myself in the next twenty years are to try new things that I’ve always wanted to, such as short track speed skating and skydiving. Another big goal I have is to travel as much as I can because I love to see new places and learn about other cultures and people. Some places that are on my bucket list for traveling are Norway, Russia, Greece, and Belgium. I’d like to have a house and settle down after getting used to being independent and traveling a lot, and I might also get a dog and a rabbit. 

Personal Vision: Welcome
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